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David Stroupe

David Stroupe

David Stroupe is a teacher and science education professor, the associate director of STEM Teacher Education at the CREATE for STEM Institute, and the Director of Science and Society at Michigan State University. He has three overlapping areas of research interests anchored around ambitious and equitable teaching. First, he frames classrooms as science practice communities. Using lenses from Science, Technology, and Society (STS) and the History and Philosophy of Science (HPS), he examines how teachers and students disrupt epistemic injustice by negotiating power, knowledge, and epistemic agency. Second, he examines how beginning teachers learn from practice in and across varied contexts. Third, he studies how teacher preparation programs can provide support and opportunities for beginning teachers to learn from practice. David has a background in biology and taught secondary life science for four years. David is the recipient of the Exemplary Research Award for the American Educational Association's Division K (Teaching and Teacher Education), the Early Career Research Award from the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, and "Research Worth Reading" from the National Association for Research in Science Teaching and the National Science Teacher Association.

Istanbul Education Summit

The 3rd Istanbul Education Summit will take place this year on November 17-18, 2023, in Istanbul, under the theme “Leading the Change in Education.”


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