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Education in the Century of Türkiye


Since the establishment of the republic, education has been a central pillar of Türkiye’s progress and development. Notable reforms have been implemented to enhance literacy rates and broaden access to education, leading to a more informed and empowered society. In the contemporary era, Türkiye is adapting its education system to meet the demands of the rapidly changing world. Embracing technological advancements, the education landscape is shifting towards digitalization, personalized learning, increasing soft power and a greater emphasis on critical thinking and creativity. As Türkiye moves forward, education will continue to be a driving force, fostering innovation, inclusivity, and competitiveness on both national and international stages. The commitment for creating virtuous generation remains at the forefront of Türkiye's educational mission in the century ahead.

Discussion Questions

  • How has education in Türkiye evolved over the past century, and what were some of the key milestones in its development?

  • In what ways is the Turkish education system adapting to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, such as technological advancements and changing global dynamics?

  • What are some examples of successful initiatives or programs that have aimed to enhance the quality of education in Türkiye in recent years?

  • How does education contribute to Türkiye's competitiveness and global standing?

  • What challenges does the Turkish education system currently face, and how can they be addressed to ensure continued progress in the next century?


Celile Ökten

Celile Ökten

Halil Berktay

Halil Berktay

Halil Berktay

Halil Berktay

Celile Ökten

Celile Ökten

Istanbul Education Summit

The 3rd Istanbul Education Summit will take place this year on November 17-18, 2023, in Istanbul, under the theme “Leading the Change in Education.”


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