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Vafa Şarabati

Vafa Şarabati

Vafa Şarabati is the General Manager of Baghdad Maarif Schools (il sorumlusu) who has a 20-year experience in educational institutions in multi-cultural environment. She holds a master degree in education from Aleppo University. During her career, she served as a coordinator and teacher trainer, and contributed to the development of language assessment and evaluation system based on the four skills. Her passion towards education made her devote two years to develop a comprehensive curriculum for preschool stage. In 2018 She joined Maarif Foundation as a senior in the department of Curriculum and Materials Development where she was exposed to a variety of educational systems in the countries where Maarif  schools operate. She was appointed to Iraq in late 2019 as a school principal and later became the general manager of Baghdad branches. She initiated a project with the Iraqi Ministry of Education to extend bilingual education to the primary stage.

Istanbul Education Summit

The 3rd Istanbul Education Summit will take place this year on November 17-18, 2023, in Istanbul, under the theme “Leading the Change in Education.”


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