Mustafa Öztürk
Prof. Dr., School of Education, Erciyes Üniversitesi
Prof. Öztürk is a faculty member at Education Faculty and the Director of Foreign Relations Office of Erciyes University. He holds an MA in School Improvement and Continuing Professional Development of Teachers from the University of Nottingham, UK. He received his Doctorate in Teacher Education from the same university in 2005. He is a member of Erciyes University Quality Commission and Strategic Planning Board. His field of work includes differentiated instruction, inclusive education, civic and human rights education as well as the pedagogy of teaching social studies, geography, and history. He worked in the development of several teacher and staff training programmes that include “training of Turkish primary school teachers on how to teach democracy and human rights”, “training of Turkish teachers on how to deal effectively with the challenges posed by students of foreign origin”, “training of Syrian teachers for effective instruction”, “training civil servants for social inclusion” and “social cohesion training for foreigners”. He worked as a coordinator, consultant or expert in many projects supported by organizations such as UNICEF, EU, Ministry of Family and Social Services, IOM, MATRA, and TÜBİTAK. He has also worked as a monitoring expert for organizations such as IEA and EUROCLIO.